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Selasa, 14 Desember 2010

Cyberlink YouCam 4 [Include Serial]

Cyberlink YouCam adalah software yang digunakan untuk memperluas fungsi webcam. Diantaranya melengkapi webcam dengan efek-efek dinamis yang sangat menarik. Seperti penambahan emoticon, avatar, filter dll untuk video yang dihasilkan webcam. Cocok banget buat yang suka chatting atau pun yang suka foto-foto. Untuk menginstal aplikasi ini kita wajib memiliki webcam terlebih dahulu.

CyberLink YouCam allows you to add weird and wonderful effects to your webcam chats and conversations that will make even the most boring web conferences a bit more fun.

So, if you fancy turning yourself into an alien or a talking dog, CyberLink YouCam is probably for you. The applications works with most major messaging clients such as Windows Live Messenger, Skype, Yahoo Messenger and AOL Instant Messenger.

All the effects included in CyberLink YouCam are organized in different tabs, and their results can be applied in real time. They include original backgrounds, all sorts of clipart...


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